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Before entering the Grand Teton National Park, we stopped in Jackson, Wyoming to eat lunch and get the guys a fishing license for the park. We ate at the Snake River Brewing Company. The food was great, the beer was nice, and the atmosphere is fun. Our waitress was a little grouchy, but she did okay with this group of ours. I had the fish and chips which were very tasty. Hey, so what’s up with slaw? Do you like cole slaw? I’m being honest: I’m suspicious of it. Mostly, it was lovely to finally be out of the car and almost to the park!
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Full and happy, we drove into the national park. It takes awhile to get through the Grand Teton National Park, but not as long as it takes to get through Yellowstone. The scenery is amazing, and the kids were bouncing around (in their seat belts of course). Finally, we arrived at Colter Bay Group Site 7 and began to set up camp. By the way, you get these brothers together, and there are funny times and weird pics ahead.
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I remember when we camped with babies and toddlers. Setting up camp was very difficult. Now we have real workers. And these girls know their jobs. It was nice to have time to take setting up with plenty of daylight. We’ve set up camp in the middle of the night and in rain storms, and I was grateful to have dry daylight. Also, I would like to note that our tent was up first. Boom.
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Another thing you need to know is that there was a very, very large church group of teen girls in the campsite next to us. They were loud. Plus they trashed the girl’s bathroom. Then they started using the men’s bathroom. Oh, and we have proof that they did not follow the bear rules. I’m surprised one of them didn’t get eaten by a bear. It was challenging to have a good attitude with these pesky neighbors. P.S. One of the members of our group chewed them out for what they did to the campground toilets. I was glad to be related to this person. :)
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Beth made her famous campground spaghetti that night. Hey, did you know that everyone looks better in campfire light? It’s true! If we started our mornings with campfire light, we would all feel warmly lit and pretty. Of course, we probably wouldn’t groom as much as we need to. There is one exception to this: the devil eyes you sometimes have in a campfire pic.
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The stars were breathtaking, and we stayed up for awhile to watch them and enjoy the campfire. Soon, the long drive started catching up with us. But, those chicks next door were still a little loud. I have to tell you that I kept a running list of quotes from this trip. I have to explain most of them to you so you don’t feel left out. Therefore, once explained, comedy value is lost. But, I’m going to share with you anyways. Besides, I don’t even ever know if you ever laugh when you are reading my blog. So, there! This first night, we were talking about bears, and one of my nephews said in the most hillybilly-est, hick accent, if they don’t follow the bear rules, “She goin’ die!” Each of the kids kept repeating this phrase. By the end of the week, we were all saying it. It was contagious. I don’t know why. We are a strange family. Strange, but funny. Even now, 5 months later, every once in awhile, someone in this house will randomly say, “She goin’ die!” And then Pete and repeat join in. It’s fun. You should try it.
The next day the plans were to hike Phelps Lake. Stay tuned….
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